Tag Archives: orange county

Peters Canyon Regional Park

22 May

Miles bugs. He bugs and bugs until he gets what he wants. Whenever he wants to go out he will lay his head on me and put pressure on it. For example, if I’m typing he will place his head on my hands right on top of the keyboard preventing me from moving them. Once he stares at me with that puppy face and hazel marble eyes, however, I begin to melt.

I usually walk him around our neighborhood or at Laguna Lake Park, but I figured that if the world did end today, we’d at least be somewhere elevated so we can watch the earth crumble and/or explode ala Woody Harrelson in “2012.” But that didn’t happen which is a great thing because I don’t think the hill we hiked on was high enough anyway.

I decided to drive us to Peters Canyon Regional Park because they allow pets there as long as they’re on a leash. There were quite a number of people present but because the trail is loopy it’s hard to tell. The views were gorgeous and Miles thoroughly enjoyed it. He especially loved walking the narrow pathways and climbing up one of the steeper hills. At one point I had him pull me because I was getting tired. Too bad his dad wasn’t there to experience it with us, but we got to share some pictures with him along the way.

The entrance. It

Miles having fun.

Miles insists that we stay on the trail.

That way.

View from the top.

This was a tricky one to take!

The beautiful lake.

A very narrow path.

Casting shadows on the path.

A beetle tries to get to the other side of the dirt road.

Engelmann prickly pear.

Cottonwood trees.

A burst of yellow.

Catching the sunset on the way back to our starting point.

Poison oak down below.